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Definition of Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR


CSR assumes that companies integrate into their strategy environmental issues such as climate change or the scarcity of resources. It also involves going beyond their legal obligations to adopt diversity policies and respect human rights. CSR concerns a wide variety of topics whose importance is determined by the sector of the company and its geographical location.

CSR contributes to the economic performance of the company since it enables it to identify and prevent the risks to which it is most exposed and to design products and adopt production methods adapted to the rapid and rapid evolutions of its business. market.

CSR assumes that companies determine their strategy taking into account their stakeholders. It ranges from employees to investors, suppliers and customers, not to mention NGOs and local communities.

Our human resources:
The company COFORCE in charge of our logistics


  • For logistics management, we have engaged with a local partner, the company COFORCE which is located in the Montreal area.

  • This social economy enterprise participates in the social and professional reintegration of employees in difficulty ...

  • The specificity of integration enterprises is that they respond to training and support needs for people with serious difficulties of integration into the labor market, with the aim of fighting poverty and exclusion.

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